Can Laser Surgery Be Performed During Pregnancy?

Laser eye surgery is a low-risk and effective treatment for patients with refractive errors. Although it is a treatment suitable for a wide range of people in general, the patient should be examined in detail before the treatment is applied and a decision should be made accordingly. Some special circumstances may prevent the patient from applying for laser treatment. We can show the pregnancy period among these special situations. So, can laser surgery be performed during pregnancy? Are there any drawbacks to the operation?

Can Laser Eye Surgery Be Performed During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy does not have a permanent effect that will directly prevent laser eye surgery. However, laser eye surgery is not recommended during pregnancy.

The reason for this situation is shown as hormonal changes. Because the hormone balance may change with the effect of pregnancy. Changes in hormone balance may cause the refractive error that occurs in the eye to change.

Before laser eye surgery, the condition of the eye and the degree of refractive errors are measured in detail. These changes in refractive errors during pregnancy may also cause incorrect results in measurements.

hamilelik döneminde lazer ameliyatı yapılabilir mi

For this reason, the surgery is often planned for after the pregnancy period. Moreover, it should be noted that this is not the only effect. It is also recommended to schedule the laser operation at a different time due to the effect of the medications used during this period, susceptibility to possible side effects such as dry eye or corneal edema.

Of course, it should not be forgotten that the patient should be evaluated by a specialist doctor to make a final decision.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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