Does Cataract Recur?

We can say that cataract is one of the few diseases that directly affect the quality of vision in daily life. We can also say that the disease, which occurs when the transparent lens of the eye becomes opaque, is progressive and results in a complete loss of vision after a while. It should be noted that the only valid treatment to regain one’s vision is surgical operation. So, after the surgical operation, will the cataract recur? Is there a risk of cataract re-development?

Can Cataract Develop Again?

In cataract operation, the lens of the eye that has lost its transparency is removed. Instead, a new artificial lens is inserted and the new transparent lens allows the person to regain his/her vision.

Since the lens is replaced, it is not expected that cataract formation will occur a second time.

Since the lens is artificial, it is not expected to experience a process such as the breakdown of proteins and matting, i.e. the process experienced in the natural lens.

Lazer sonrası katarakt ameliyatı olur mu?

However, not all tissues are removed during the operation to stabilise the lens, so that the artificial lens can be implanted without any problems.

The membrane layer in which the artificial lens is placed may become dull over time. In this case, just like cataract, it can cause weakening of vision. This condition, which causes the possibility of decreased vision over time, is also called secondary cataract.
In this case, known as secondary cataract, the problem is eliminated with certain laser methods without any extra surgical intervention and the person regains his/her vision. In other words, this is not actually a cataract that develops for the second time.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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