Although dry eye does not directly cause eye disorder or vision impairment, it negatively affects the vision of the person with the disturbing effect it creates. So, if dry eye is not treated, does the uncomfortable effect increase? Can we experience vision loss due to dry eye? Let’s create an answer to the curious question.
What Do We Face If We Do Not Have Dry Eye Treatment?
If dry eye is not treated, there may be several different problems you may encounter. To explain better, let’s consider the problems you are likely to encounter item by item.
Eye Infections
In dry eyes, the eyes lack a kind of protective layer because the structure of the tear is disturbed or the amount is not sufficient. The eyes become more vulnerable to infections and inflammation, which increases the risk of eye infections.
Meibomian gland dysfunction
If there is an obstruction in the meibomian glands that secrete the oily layer and dry eye develops due to this, the obstruction in the meibomian glands may reach serious levels in case of late treatment. In this case, a process up to surgical intervention may be encountered.
Visual Impairments
Dry eye is not a condition that directly affects the eye number. However, eyes that are not sufficiently moisturised can face problems such as blurred or wavy vision. As the effect of dry eye increases over time, the effect of visual disturbances may increase.
Declining Quality of Life
Continued dry eye leads to increased burning and stinging sensation in the eye. Over time, this discomfort causes a further decrease in quality of life. Stinging and burning sensation will increase.
If dry eye is not treated, we can summarise the problems you may experience in this way. Do not forget to consult your doctor to prevent all these negativities and to solve the problem at an early stage.