What is Cornea Transplant? How is it done?

Corneal transplantation may be perceived differently by the public due to both naming errors and misnomers. The misperception of what the procedure is even causes this method to be considered as ‘eye transplantation’. So, what is actually corneal transplantation? How and why is it done?

What is Corneal Transplantation Actually?

We will give clearer information about the treatment, but first let’s talk about the cornea. The cornea is the transparent layer in the front of the eye. It should be added that this layer is very important for vision. Because this layer ensures that the light is refracted correctly and focused on the retina area.

The main reason for corneal transplantation is that the cornea becomes unable to fulfil its function due to diseases such as keratoconus and various effects.

In cases where the layer has completely lost its transparency and the shape is so distorted that it almost obscures the vision, the patient’s damaged cornea is removed. Instead, healthy corneal tissue taken from a cadaver is placed. In other words, transplantation is performed.

Only the cornea is replaced. In other words, as it is understood in the expression of eye transplantation, there is no situation such as replacing the eyeball.

Kornea nakli

So How Is Cornea Transplantation Performed?

Although it is a surgical operation, corneal transplantation is not an operation to be feared as much as it is thought. In the operation, the patient’s eye and eye area are anaesthetised. Then the cornea is removed with special tools. The cornea taken from the cadaver and brought to the appropriate size is placed in the eye.

In Which Cases Is Cornea Transplant Necessary?

  • After physical damage to the cornea
  • In advanced keratoconus diseases
  • If the cornea loses its transparency

In these and similar cases, after the doctor’s examination, a corneal transplantation decision may be made to restore the patient’s vision. Of course, very detailed examinations are required for this decision.

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Kılıç

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